Gustavo Isturiz
Software & Cloud Engineer
Role: Frontend Developer, Backend Developer
Created web application for an open-source ventilator registry designed for hospital networks, cities, counties and others to effectively keep track of their ventilator supply in real-time.
Stack: Javascript, ReactJS, NodeJS, Material UI, Zeit
For access you may use: (username: admin / password: test123)
Role: Team Lead, Frontend Developer, Backend Developer
A project in which we gathered data from Airbnb's API as well as developing web scrapers to build a Machine Learning algorithm which returns the optimal price to charge per night for your Airbnb property in the city of Berlin, Germany.
Stack: Javascript, ReactJS, NodeJS, Zeit, React Semantic UI
For access you may use: (username: hello / password: test123)
Role: Frontend Developer
Fun cellular automata created purely on React.JS. Conway's Game of Life has 4 rules by which adjacent cells live, die or revive in successive generations leading to entertaining patterns and events. With 3 preset patterns, random initiator and generation counter.
Stack: Javascript, ReactJS, Vercel
Role: Frontend Developer
For this project we gathered data from Twitter's API to build a Machine Learning algorithm which returns a Tweet Sentiment Score depending on how positive or negative we predict your Tweet will be received.
Stack: Javascript, ReactJS, Redux, NodeJS, Auth0, Netlify, MaterialUI
Proficiency - Advanced
Proficiency - Advanced
Proficiency - Advanced
Proficiency - 4 AWS Certifications
Proficiency - Advanced
Proficiency - Advanced
Proficiency - Advanced
Proficiency - Advanced
Proficiency - Intermediate